Request your insurance certificates yourself
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Request your insurance certificates yourself!


On holiday soon? During the holiday period, unforeseen events can occur, requiring rapid access to your certificates of insurance. Did you know that from now on you can download your certificates of insurance yourself? That's right, you can manage them completely independently and efficiently, offering greater freedom, convenience, and peace of mind.​

What is a certificate of insurance?

A certificate of insurance is a document that proves that you have valid insurance for the period stated on the certificate. It contains important information such as the name of the insured, the dates of coverage, and the types of coverage you have.


When is a certificate of insurance required?

A certificate of insurance may be required in various situations:

  • When you travel abroad, more and more countries require a certificate of insurance as proof that your medical expenses are covered. In some countries and for certain visa applications, this is strictly necessary.
  • When you switch to a new employer, you must be able to submit a certificate of insurance. Without this certificate, you may be considered a higher risk, which can lead to higher insurance premiums.


How do I download my certificate of insurance?

It's very simple! With MyAG Employee Benefits, you have access to your own certificates and those of affiliated family members anytime, anywhere.

  1. Log in to MyAG Employee Benefits, available via the app or on desktop.
  2. Go to the 'Healthcare' tile and click on 'My certificates of insurance'.
  3. Choose the option 'Request a certificate of insurance', indicate the reason why you need it and then click on 'Request a certificate of insurance'. As soon as we have received all the information, the certificate will be visible under 'View my certificates'.



Would you like to check out the new feature in the app? First download the most recent version from the App Store or Google Play Store.​

Any questions?

Please feel free to consult the following 'How to​' on our website.

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