
What is death benefit coverage?

Your group insurance plan may also come with death benefit coverage.

If so, this means that your beneficiaries will be entitled to collect a pre-set sum of money if you pass away before you retire. But how exactly does death benefit coverage work, and does it serve any purpose while you're still alive?

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My death benefit coverage

Want to find out if your corporate plan includes death benefit coverage and how much your beneficiaries stand to collect? Just go to MyAG Employee Benefits for all the details.

Log in to MyAG Employee Benefits


​Who collects my group insurance proceeds if I pass away before I retire?

If your group insurance plan also comes with death benefit coverage, your beneficiaries will be entitled to collect the sum set aside as a death benefit. Keep in mind that statutory requirements and tax obligations will also apply. Questions? Concerns? Just check the link below to find out what happens when your beneficiaries claim your death benefit. 

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