complementary pension
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How much will my complementary pension be worth when I retire?

There are three ways to check the size of your complementary pension nest egg. Keep in mind, however, that these benefits are taxable.

​Your benefits statement

AG Employee Benefits will issue you at least one benefits statement per year, complete with all kinds of interesting information such as the size of your complementary pension nest egg to date and the projected value of your benefits when you reach retirement age.

You can opt to receive your benefits statement electronically or in paper form.

Rather have an e-statement? Go to

On, the pension website created by the federal government, you'll find a personalised overview of your statutory and complementary pension entitlements. If you log in and click on "Mijn aanvullend pensioen/Ma pension complémentaire", you'll see how much you stand to collect when you retire.

MyAG Employee Benefits

Our online platform MyAG Employee Benefits contains far more details than On MyAG Employee​ Benefits, you'll have the following information at your fingertips:

  • a complete overview of the complementary pension entitlements you've earned with your past and present employer(s)
  • the size and source of your nest egg to date (= your accrued reserves)
  • the projected value of your benefits when you retire

As MyAG Employee Benefits is a secure online platform, prior registration is required before you can access your personal data. Act today and ask your employer to get the ball rolling with your access permission. You'll then receive an invitation letter or e-mail with instructions on how to register on MyAG Employee Benefits. Once you've completed the registration process, you'll be able to log in and find out more about your complementary pension.


The MyAG Employee Benefits app consolidates all your employee benefits: supplementary pension, healthcare and income protection covers. This way, you always have all information about your benefits at your fingertips! Download the app from your app store and try it out right away.

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